Wicker Reacts to President Obama's Inauguration

January 20, 2009

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., today released the following statement after Barack Obama was sworn in as our nation's 44th president:
"I congratulate President Obama on his historic achievement, and I look forward to working with him on the challenges facing our nation.
“As President Obama spoke today about the challenges before us, he reminded us that America's path to prosperity has never been easy.  The president rightly told Americans that despite our troubled economy, future generations need not lower their sights.  America has been tested before.  And as we have done in the past, we will persevere, remaining the most prosperous nation in the world. 
"As we work through these difficult economic times and take on large budget deficits, it is more important than ever to better manage taxpayer dollars and streamline government.  I agree with President Obama that we should take a hard look at government programs. Programs that are duplicative or do not work should be ended. 
"Additionally, I was glad the president spoke to the world about America's resolve in the war against terror.  We have and always will defend our nation against those who wish to do us harm. 

“As there always is in our democracy, there are bound to be healthy disagreements and arguments in the weeks and months to come.  However, we can and should come together as a country to solve our problems together.  I am optimistic we can do so in the bipartisan manner the president called for today.”