Wicker Votes to Ensure Second Amendment Freedoms

Senator supports concealed carry amendment that would allow law-abiding individuals to carry firearms across state lines

July 22, 2009

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., today voted to ensure Second Amendment freedoms by supporting the Thune amendment to the Defense Authorization bill.  The legislation would allow residents in states like Mississippi with concealed-carry permits the ability to carry his or her concealed firearm in another state that grants this right, so long as the non-resident state’s concealed-carry law is followed.  The vote was 58-39 in favor of the amendment, which was two votes short of the 60 needed for approval. 

"Today the Senate failed to stand up for a fundamental American freedom,” Sen. Wicker said.  “This is a common-sense approach that would have allowed law-abiding individuals some level of reciprocity to conceal and carry their firearms.  It would have respected individual state firearms laws and would have enabled citizens – especially truck drivers and other individuals who are frequently traveling between state lines – the opportunity to protect themselves.”   

Wicker said that only 28 states recognize concealed carry permits issued in Mississippi.  He said this amendment would allow responsible gun owners in Mississippi to carry their firearms in other states that have similar laws. 

“The rights of gun owners in Mississippi should not stop at the state line,” Wicker said. 
Since concealed carry permits have been issued by the states, permit holders have demonstrated that they are overwhelmingly law-abiding and responsible in the exercise of their rights.  Currently, private ownership of guns is at an all-time high and the violent crime rates are at historical lows.  The conceal and carry permits have undeniably prevented thousands of crimes each year.