Sen. Wicker to Begin Three-Day Gulf Coast Visit - Tomorrow

August 17, 2009

WASHINGTON - U.S. Sen. Roger Wicker begins a three-day visit to the Gulf Coast tomorrow, Tuesday, August 18.  Details for tomorrow’s schedule are listed below.  (NOTE: All events listed are open to the press.  Information on Wednesday and Thursday’s events will be available tomorrow). 


7:30 AM CDT:  
Live radio interview with William Sackett on WTNI 1640 AM

9:45 AM CDT:  
Health care reform roundtable discussion with Gulf Coast medical professionals 
Garden Park Medical Center
Food Court – First Floor
15200 Community Road
Gulfport, Mississippi

12:00 PM CDT: 
Address the Pascagoula Kiwanis Club and the Pascagoula Rotary Club
LaFont Inn
2703 Denny Avenue
Pascagoula, Mississippi
1:45 PM CDT:   
Press conference and barrier island boat tour with DMR Executive Director William Walker
(NOTE: A press conference will be held on the dock prior to the boat departing.  Background: Congress recently approved $439 million to help restore the barrier islands)
Biloxi Small Craft Harbor, just east of Hard Rock Casino
Biloxi, Mississippi

6:00 PM CDT:    
Address the Biloxi/Ocean Springs Board of Realtors Association Dinner
Fant’s Restaurant
6616 Rose Farm Road
Ocean Springs, Mississippi