Wicker Presses Feinberg for Quicker Responses, Increased Accountability for Gulf Claims

“Mr. Feinberg’s group was set up specifically to assist those impacted by the oil spill, so these issues must be resolved.”

December 8, 2010

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) today met with Gulf Coast Claims Facility (GCCF) Administrator Ken Feinberg to discuss the ongoing oil claims process for Mississippians.

“The BP oil spill devastated many Mississippians and Gulf Coast businesses.  While the GCCF has paid out more than $200 million in damages to people in our state thus far, many difficulties continue to plague those still working through the claims process.  I requested the meeting with Mr. Feinberg to make sure he and the GCCF fully understood the concerns of Mississippians along the Gulf Coast.

“Problems with submission response times, lack of transparency in the process, and inconsistency in payments remain the top issues for those who have filed claims with the GCCF.  Mr. Feinberg’s group was set up specifically to assist those impacted by the oil spill, so these issues must be resolved.  People along the Gulf Coast need some certainty as they try to recover and plan for the future.

“In our meeting, I urged Mr. Feinberg to improve communication and public outreach by educating all parties about the claims process and his payment methodology.  I also asked him to be more responsive to those seeking assistance and treat similarly situated applicants equally.”

“I appreciate Mr. Feinberg’s assurances to improve the process, provide a clear methodology for claim determinations, and make the claims facility more responsive to Mississippians.  My staff and I will continue to work with local officials, Gulf Coast residents, and the GCCF to monitor this ongoing situation.”

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