Wicker to Oppose Omnibus Spending Bill

December 15, 2010

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) issued the following statement today announcing that he will oppose the omnibus spending bill:

“Americans spoke loud and clear in November about their desire to clean up the out-of-control spending in Washington and repeal Obamacare. This last-minute omnibus package is everything the voters said they did not want – another 2,000-page, big government spending bill that includes $1 billion to fund the health care law.

“I am committed to reducing government spending and getting our fiscal house in order. That is why I joined with my Republican colleagues in November to ban earmarks for two years. The ban on earmarks is an important first step to help reduce spending and change the way business is done in Washington.

“If Congress does not act, the government will run out of money this Saturday. Rather than jam through a massive omnibus bill, we should pass a reasonable, short-term resolution so the newly elected Congress can decide how to best use taxpayer dollars.”

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