Wicker Statement on Oil Spill Reaching Mississippi's Barrier Islands

June 2, 2010

WASHINGTON – On news that a two-mile long strand of emulsified oil washed ashore Tuesday on Mississippi's Petit Bois Island U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., released the following statement:

“It is troubling news that oil from the Deepwater Horizon leak has reached Mississippi’s barrier islands.  For over 6 weeks I have been cautiously hopeful that this day would not come.  Now that it has, it is a reminder that there is much environmental and economic hardship ahead for Mississippi not only from the discovery of oil on our beaches, but also from the impact of the past 43 days on our way of life.” Wicker said.  “I will continue to press for action to stop this oil leak, clean up our treasured Gulf Coast, and protect Mississippians whose livelihoods depend on these waters.”   
