Wicker Votes Against Nomination of Elena Kagan to Supreme Court

August 5, 2010

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) today issued the following statement after voting against the nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court:

“After thoroughly examining her record, I do not believe Ms. Kagan is suited for the highest court in the nation. I remain concerned with Ms. Kagan’s ability to set aside her personal and political beliefs to apply the law impartially.  Her decision to openly defy federal law in the past raises serious questions about how she would interpret the Constitution as a Supreme Court Justice.

“I am particularly troubled by Ms. Kagan’s past statements on the Second Amendment. Ms. Kagan’s record demonstrates a clear disdain for an individual’s right to bear arms. At a time when the Second Amendment right of every American hangs by a single vote in the Supreme Court, I fear Ms. Kagan would allow her past political activism to influence the way she judges from the bench.”

Click here or on the image below to watch Wicker on the Senate floor talk about Ms. Kagan’s record on the Second Amendment.
