Wicker Says Hagel’s Frequent Position Changes on Iran Sanctions are Troubling

January 16, 2013

TUPELO, MISS. – U.S. Senator Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), on Wednesday, reiterated his opposition to the nomination of former U.S. Senator Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) to be Secretary of Defense.  Wicker is a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, where a confirmation hearing for Hagel is scheduled to begin on Jan. 31.

“I spoke with former Senator Hagel on Tuesday, January 8, and we had a substantive and cordial discussion,” said Wicker.  “During that conversation, Senator Hagel attempted to clarify his prior comments regarding Iran sanctions.  He told me that he was opposed to unilateral sanctions on Iran because – in his view – such sanctions do not work and serve only to isolate the United States.

“I am deeply concerned that in the span of one week, Senator Hagel’s views on Iran sanctions have changed multiple times based on public reaction and criticism of his record.  I appreciate Senator Hagel’s record of military service, but it is difficult to understand where he stands on many important issues due to constantly changing positions.  Saying anything to anyone just to get confirmed is irresponsible and does a disservice to our armed forces and to the entire country.”

In a letter that was released to the media, Hagel articulated a new stance on Iran sanctions to Senator Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.).  This is Hagel’s third separate position since his nomination.