Wicker Votes to Move Defense Secretary Nomination Forward

Senate Armed Services Committee Approves Dr. Ashton Carter’s Confirmation

February 10, 2015

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, today voted in favor of Dr. Ashton Carter to be the next Secretary of Defense during the committee’s markup of the nomination. 

“I strongly support Ash Carter’s nomination to be Secretary of Defense,” Wicker said.  “If confirmed by the Senate, Dr. Carter will face many challenging situations. Our commander-in-chief has drawn lines in the sand without consequence, believes success in Afghanistan can be sustained without a residual U.S. force, and telegraphs weakness to adversaries and allies alike.  We face diverse threats, from barbaric terrorist groups like ISIS to brazen Russian aggression, and we need someone who can capably assess these challenges.  I look forward to working with Dr. Carter to address these complex threats and protect our national security interests.”

The committee voted unanimously to bring Dr. Carter’s nomination before the full Senate.

Wicker questioned Dr. Carter during a SASC hearing last week.