Wicker Statement on Tax Day

April 15, 2015

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., a member of the Senate Budget Committee, today issued the following statement regarding Tax Day 2015:

“Americans are paying higher taxes than ever before, in part because of new mandated penalties and complicated subsidies related to Obamacare.  The government received record tax revenues for 2014 – collecting over $3 trillion.  It is evident that the federal government doesn’t have a revenue problem – it has a spending problem. 

“As a major component of Democrats’ tax-and-spend agenda, the President’s health-care law has singlehandedly created or raised a total of 20 taxes, several of which directly punish lower- and middle-income families.  With an overly complex tax code, there is an urgent need for comprehensive reform to simplify the system, eliminate loopholes, and permanently lower rates.”

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