Wicker Discusses Twin-33s With Jones County Sheriff

Miss Senator Meets With President of Miss. Sheriffs’ Association, Coalition Against Bigger Trucks

September 16, 2015

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., a member of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, today met with Jones County Sheriff Alex Hodge, president of the Mississippi Sheriff’s Association, to discuss ongoing efforts to prevent a federal mandate from forcing states to allow twin 33-foot trailers on their highways. Sheriff Hodge is visiting Washington on behalf of the Coalition Against Bigger Trucks.

“The risks associated with allowing these large trucks on the nation’s roads are too high,” Wicker said. “Nearly 40 states, including Mississippi, prohibit twin 33-foot trucks from operating within their jurisdictions. I am hopeful that the full Senate will have an opportunity to weigh in on this important issue before imposing this mandate on states.”

“Heavier and longer trucks, like twin-33s, would endanger motorists and accelerate the damage done to bridges and pavement,” said Sheriff Hodge. “I am thankful for Senator Wicker’s leadership on this issue and look forward to making sure we keep these trucks off of our roads.”

Earlier this year, Senator Wicker joined Senator Diane Feinstein in filing an amendment to the “DRIVE Act” – also known as the highway bill – that would require the Department of Transportation (DOT) to complete a comprehensive safety study before longer trucks are permitted on highways. The amendment would also call on the agency to conduct a formal rulemaking process with public notice and comment period.

Those opposed to twin 33-foot trailers include Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, AAA, the Teamsters Union, several state trucking associations, the National Troopers Coalition, and other law enforcement associations throughout the country.