Wicker Meets With Biloxi Chief of Police

Miss. Senator Pledges Continued Support for Regional Information Sharing Systems

February 6, 2018

WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., today met with Biloxi Chief of Police John Miller and Assistant Chief of Police Michael Wills to discuss the local impacts of Regional Information Sharing Systems (RISS). Wicker has been a strong proponent of the system, which is a federally-funded and locally-managed program that provides 172 Mississippi law enforcement agencies and thousands more across the country with resources to fight multi-jurisdictional crimes like drug and human trafficking.

RISS services have had a measurable impact in Mississippi, where over 7,200 officers rely on the system’s resources to combat organized and violent crime, gang activity, drug activity, terrorism and violent extremism, human trafficking, identity theft, and cybercrime.

Miller and Wills told Wicker that Mississippi’s member agencies, who pay just $300 a year, have access to a number of shared intelligence databases that would be prohibitively expensive for smaller jurisdictions to access on their own. Members are also free to request high-tech investigative and surveillance equipment loans which can be used to help close cases.