Wicker Votes to Protect Community Banks From Dodd-Frank

March 14, 2018

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., today voted to roll back portions of the Dodd–Frank law, allowing smaller community banks and credit unions to invest more in families and local businesses.

“Main Street has suffered under the Dodd-Frank law, which was designed to regulate large financial institutions,” Wicker said. “Instead, smaller banks and credit unions – which were not responsible for the financial crash in 2008 – were also swept up by the new regulations imposed by the law.

“These community and regional banks inject needed capital and access to credit in our communities to help people launch a new business, create jobs, or buy a home. When these banks struggle, our communities struggle. The bill passed by the Senate today – on an overwhelmingly bipartisan basis – goes to the heart of that problem by rolling back key portions of Dodd-Frank.”