Wicker Votes for Improved Border Security

Appropriations Bill Includes Funding for New Physical Barriers

February 14, 2019

WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., today voted in favor of the Conference Report on H.J. Res. 31. The legislation includes a comprehensive appropriations package to fully fund the government through September 30 and a bipartisan agreement on border security. The bill passed by a vote of 83-16.

“This agreement will keep the government open and take important steps to address the crisis at our southern border,” Wicker said. “The bill increases funding to $22.5 billion for border security and immigration enforcement including 55 miles of new physical barriers in the highest priority areas.  This legislation also includes the remaining funding bills drafted last year by Republican majorities in the House and Senate. This progress is notable given the strong opposition and extreme rhetoric of congressional Democrats against these proposals.”