Wicker Votes for President’s Budget Agreement

Bipartisan Deal Will Strengthen National Security, Maintain Pro-Life Protections

August 1, 2019

WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., today voted for H.R. 3877, the bipartisan budget agreement negotiated and supported by the Trump administration. The budget authorizes spending levels for the federal government for two years in order to prevent a government shutdown, a continuing resolution, or a return to automatic spending cuts for the military. The agreement also maintains pro-life protections in federal appropriations.

“President Trump’s team negotiated a vital agreement that builds upon the investments we have made to restore our military strength and readiness after the Obama-era cuts,” Wicker said. “The bill also blocks Democratic demands to roll back pro-life protections. This agreement is an important step toward preventing a government shutdown, or the uncertainty of a continuing resolution. In a divided government, both parties have to work together to make progress for the American people. I look forward to working with my colleagues to pass responsible funding bills in accordance with this two-year budget deal.”