Wicker Earns “A” Rating for Pro-Life Record

September 17, 2020

WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., received an “A” rating from the national pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) for his work to support policies that protect the unborn. The rating was included in the SBA List’s updated “National Pro-Life Scorecard,” which is a tool to inform the public about elected officials’ stance on pro-life issues. The scorecard is backed up by a detailed voting record and other information on elected officials’ efforts.

“I am honored to be recognized by the Susan B. Anthony List for my efforts to protect the unborn,” Wicker said. “I will continue to hold the line against those who would callously expand the scourge of abortion and harm the most innocent among us.”

The SBA List scorecard notes that “Senator Wicker has voted consistently to protect the lives of unborn babies and infants as well as the consciences of taxpayers who don’t want their hard-earned tax dollars paying for abortion domestically or internationally.”

The scorecard also cites Wicker’s pro-life work, saying, “Senator Wicker introduced S. 2308, the Patients First Act to prioritize ethical modern alternatives instead of embryo-destructive research. He also led a Congressional letter supporting funding for ethical research during the search for a vaccine for COVID-19 and encouraging the continued limitation on government funding for unethical research involving human fetal tissue. Senator Wicker also led a bicameral letter with Congressman Andy Harris advocating for ethical research that does not involve the destruction of human embryos.”

Click here to view the full scorecard from the SBA List.