Wicker Receives Farm Bureau Golden Plow Award

March 31, 2021

WASHINGTON U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., today received the Golden Plow award from the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) and Mississippi Farm Bureau. The Golden Plow is the highest honor the AFBF gives to sitting members of Congress.

“I appreciate the American Farm Bureau for their tireless work for our nation’s farmers and rural Americans,” Wicker said. “I am honored to accept the Golden Plow award, and I will continue to work to expand opportunities for the hardworking people in our agricultural communities.”

“Our nation needs more leaders like Senator Wicker who stand up for agriculture because our food supply must be protected,” AFBF President Zippy Duvall said. “The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us how just how important that is.”

During his tenure as chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, Wicker worked as a tireless advocate for increasing broadband access to rural communities.

“Reliable internet service helps our families stay connected to loved ones and business partners,” Duvall continued. “Improved broadband access will help increase the use of precision agriculture technologies to make our farmers and ranchers even more sustainable and competitive in the global market.”

“Senator Wicker has strongly supported Mississippi agriculture throughout his career,” said Mississippi Farm Bureau President Mike McCormick. “We appreciate his efforts to understand and take action on issues that are important to farmers, including broadband deployment, improved market access for farm goods and most recently, inclusion of federal resources for contract poultry growers in COVID-19 stimulus packages.”

AFBF’s Golden Plow award recognizes members of Congress who exemplify agricultural leadership by advancing priorities identified by the Farm Bureau. Recipients are chosen for their proven commitment to sound agricultural policies, including the private enterprise system, fiscal responsibility, and light-tough federal regulation of businesses and individuals.