Wicker Marks Four Months of $4 Gas

Miss. Senator: Biden Is Waging ‘An Extended Campaign Against The American Family’

July 8, 2022

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., today blasted President Biden’s energy policies after months of sharply elevated energy prices. The average price of a gallon of regular gas has remained above $4 a gallon nationally since March 7, 2022. 

“President Biden’s war on American energy has become an extended campaign against the American family. A gallon of gas has cost more than $4 a gallon for four months,” Wicker said. “This is a crisis of the President’s own creation, but he has refused to take responsibility for the damage his energy policies have caused.” 

“As the President bleeds our strategic petroleum reserve dry, he continues to bash energy producers and blame others. Meanwhile, he is doing an apology tour across the world, pleading with dictators to sell us oil that we could be producing ourselves. He is also pushing on with reckless plans to cancel offshore drilling, a clear solution to our catastrophe. The American people cannot afford for the President to waste any more time. It is time for him to admit his policies have failed and unleash American energy production.” 

The national average of gas per gallon has remained over $4 since March. Even as costs remain high, President Biden announced his modest offshore drilling plans, which shut the door on new projects in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic Oceans. Earlier this week, the Strategic Petroleum Reserve authorized the sale of 5 million more barrels to foreign countries. 

As recently as last month, President Biden referred to the rise in energy costs as a direct result of “Putin’s price hike,” despite the fact that energy prices had been rising before the conflict in Ukraine.