Senator Wicker Celebrates Opening of the Hall Avenue East Overpass in Hattiesburg

November 25, 2024

HATTIESBURG – U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., joined state and local officials at the opening of the Hall Avenue East Overpass in Hattiesburg. In some cases, ambulances, fire support, and the city’s police force have been stuck at the intersection when a train is on the track, blocking the rail crossing. The project will decrease traffic congestion and increase efficiency for rail movement.

Senator Wicker secured more than $18 million in federal grants for the project. Hattiesburg and the State also contributed funding.

“The people of Hattiesburg and the surrounding region have been waiting for this day for a long time. This project will make the community safer, keep rail lines moving, spur economic development throughout the area, and possibly save lives. It has been great to work with Mayor Barker and other city leaders to fix this century-old problem,” Senator Wicker said.

“For generations of Hattiesburgers, blocked train crossings have long stood as a paralyzing obstacle for safe, efficient transportation,” Mayor Toby Barker said. "This overpass provides a real solution, and we are thrilled for the neighborhoods and businesses who can now remain connected to the rest of the city, regardless of how many trains come through our downtown."