Senator Wicker Commends Advancement of Yazoo Flood Control Solution

June 28, 2024

Plan has been promised to Yazoo since 1941

One of Senator Wicker’s longstanding priorities

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Vicksburg District today released the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Yazoo Backwater Study Area. The federal government authorized the pumps 80 years ago, but the project has been held up by bureaucrats and red tape ever since.

U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., released the following statement.

“The people of the Yazoo Backwater Area have experienced setback after setback while waiting decades for flood control solutions. The delay has been devastating for the region,” Senator Wicker said. “Today’s announcement puts the South Delta one step closer to a water management program that would protect businesses, homes, and farms from flooding. I have spent years pushing for flood control projects in the South Delta, and the Yazoo Backwater Pumps Project is one of my longstanding priorities. I will keep pushing the federal bureaucrats to finish the project, and I encourage Yazoo Backwater Area residents to continue sharing their stories and opinions so we can prevent further tragedy and loss.”


Under the proposed DEIS plan, a series of new pumping stations would drain the water that pools on the flood plain during periods of heavy rainfall. During crop season, the pumps would activate when water nears 90 feet. Out of season, they would turn on to keep water from exceeding 93 feet. The limited number of residents whose property falls inside the projected flood zone will be able to receive government help raising their homes, building ring levees, or moving outside the risk area. Public comments will be accepted for 45 days after the release of the DEIS and will close on August 12, 2024.