Senator Wicker Statement on Russian Strike on Ukrainian Children’s Hospital

July 8, 2024

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., the highest-ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, commented on reports that Russia has unleashed its largest missile barrage on Ukraine in months, striking a children’s hospital and leaving at least 30 dead. This attack occurred as NATO leaders are convening in Washington this week for the 75th anniversary of the alliance:

“The world has known at least since February 22, 2022, that Vladimir Putin is a war criminal. His bombing of a children’s hospital on Sunday only reinforces that reality,” Senator Wicker said. “Rather than discussing negotiations with this brutal dictator, we should look toward the day when he is charged and convicted for his genocidal acts. As if we needed another reminder, this evil and barbaric attack shows the high moral cost of the Biden administration’s failure to supply Ukraine with the munitions and defenses it needs.”