Senator Wicker Statement on Biden-Harris Administration Troop Withdrawals from Iraq

September 27, 2024

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., the highest-ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, released the following statement in response the Biden-Harris administration’s decision to withdraw U.S. forces from the counter-ISIS mission in Iraq:

“I am deeply troubled that the Biden-Harris administration could repeat a chaotic and deadly withdrawal in yet another country. This mistake could lead the way to a resurgence in terrorist activity and enable a complete Iranian takeover of Iraq, just as happened with President Obama’s withdrawal in 2011,” Senator Wicker said. “The decision – which comes after repeated, unabating, and lethal attacks on our servicemembers – is nothing short of American retreat, and it is a disservice to the thousands of U.S. soldiers who fought and died defending American interests.”