Wicker Calls for Permanent End to Taxpayer Funding for Abortion

Pro-Life Senators Urge Colleagues to Support Miss. Senator’s Legislation

January 16, 2019

WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., today spoke from the Senate floor in support of his legislation, S. 109., “The No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2019.” Wicker’s legislation would establish a permanent, government-wide prohibition of taxpayer funding for abortion. Similar policies, such as the Hyde Amendment, currently require annual reauthorization.

In his floor remarks, Wicker referenced recent polling from Marist and the Knights of Columbus that suggests American attitudes on abortion, and federal funding for abortion, are changing.

“As each year passes, as more and more parents see that sonogram… we see the feet, and we see the heartbeat. We see the faces of these children. We realize as Americans… that this is a living human that deserves protection,” Wicker said.

In the Marist poll, a majority (54 percent) of Americans oppose any taxpayer funding for abortion.

The poll also indicated that three in four Americans believe that abortion should be limited to no later than the first three months of pregnancy. This included 92 percent of Republicans, 78 percent of Independents and 60 percent of Democrats.

Wicker’s remarks came during a floor event that included remarks from Senators Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, Roy Blunt, R-Mo., and Deb Fischer, R-Neb., who are cosponsors of Wicker’s legislation.