Wicker Opposed to Permanent Fencing Around U.S. Capitol

January 29, 2021

WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., a senior member of the Senate Rules Committee, today stated his opposition to the installation of permanent fencing around the U.S. Capitol complex.

“I am strongly opposed to the installation of permanent fencing around the U.S. Capitol complex as some have proposed,” Wicker said. “The storming of the U.S. Capitol laid bare the need for increased vigilance and greater coordination between the Capitol Police and other authorities to keep the Capitol secure. But making ‘Fortress America’ a permanent fixture of Capitol Hill would be a serious mistake. This would forever alter the public’s ability to visit with lawmakers and engage with the legislative process, which is a core feature of our democracy. I am committed to rooting out the institutional failures that allowed our Capitol complex to be overrun. I hope all involved can find a solution that will guarantee security without unnecessarily shutting out the American people.”