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Result 111 - 120 of 233
March 25, 2019
Mississippi s history of supporting our nation s security Many veterans men and women currently serving and their families call Mississippi home Our manufacturers and builders of radar and missile defense...

June 1, 2015
it works in Mississippi the E Verify system helps businesses conform to our immigration laws and serves as a disincentive for hiring illegal workers It can be just as effective on a national basis Under...

March 30, 2017
Committee hearing that it is absolutely critical that Montenegro be brought into NATO Chairman Wicker serves as a senior member of the committee and took part in the hearing The Commission on Security and Cooperation...

January 16, 2013
he was opposed to unilateral sanctions on Iran because in his view such sanctions do not work and serve only to isolate the United States I am deeply concerned that in the span of one week Senator Hagel...

September 25, 2017
with the UN I never heard a bolder or more courageous speech Fox News commentator John Bolton who served as U S ambassador to the UN during the Bush Administration similarly remarked It s safe to say in...

September 25, 2024
larger logistics fleet which is the lifeline for our global military presence I hope this incident serves as a wake up call that it is high time to fix our shipbuilding industrial base and support our merchant...

June 18, 2018
contributor to our military home to strong defense manufacturers and many men and women who volunteer to serve The new defense bill would strengthen those contributions recognizing that the strategic steps we...

December 18, 2023
overwhelmingly passed the National Defense Authorization Act NDAA our annual military planning bill I serve as the senior Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee which is responsible for writing the...

December 10, 2012
Recognizing Mississippi s Military Tradition Mississippians have always responded to the call to serve and our state plays an important role in equipping America s defense NDAA recognizes and advances...

September 21, 2023
terrific work done by Taylor Defense in support of our armed forces I m confident the Army will be well served as this Mississippi company gives it the equipment it needs to move loads effectively Hyde Smith...

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