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March 19, 2018
pursue a block buy in FY2019 for the next two Gerald R Ford class aircraft carriers Wicker and Wittman serve as Chairmen of the Senate and House subcommittees that oversee the Navy and Marine Corps The bottom...

March 18, 2015
amphibious ship As we continue to pivot toward the Asia Pacific region the Navy and Marine Corps will serve as the lynchpin of American force projection abroad Our subcommittee would like to know more about...

January 15, 2024
to wield his authoritarian influence near the United States Republicans Increase Border Security I serve as the senior Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee the group responsible for writing...

June 26, 2017
the capacity of our military given the many challenges and operational demands it faces The Navy serves as a sentinel for maritime traffic and an agent for stability when aggression peaks Ensuring the...

February 11, 2020
Gulfport into a port of the future This infusion of federal funding will help ensure port access to serve not only commerce but the public Hyde Smith said I appreciate Secretary Chao s attention to the ongoing...

May 23, 2014
the vehicle for setting funding levels for defense appropriations bills Sen Cochran and Sen Wicker serve as senior members of the Senate s Appropriations and Armed Services committees respectively Sen Wicker...

March 17, 2008
deported and checking the nationwide prison population to find illegals who can be deported after serving their sentences Compensating state and local entities for immigration related expenses and forging...

May 25, 2012
should not rely on standards that add costs and blatantly disregard American wood products Wicker who serves as ranking member of the Seapower subcommittee also backed increased Navy capabilities and a strong...

June 8, 2009
Afghanistan and Pakistan While his testimony painted a realistic picture of the challenges we face it also served as a reminder of why we are fighting and why we must succeed in Afghanistan REASONS TO FIGHT Like...

December 30, 2019
lessons about character and citizenship to the next generation of leaders some of whom will go on to serve in uniform There are many other great ideas that will become realities because of this legislation...

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