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May 18, 2020
wrote aimed at removing Chinese telecom equipment from our wireless networks This equipment could serve as an entry point for Chinese surveillance and should not be allowed to gain a foothold in the United...

May 28, 2015
reported that it has signed a new master agreement with the University of Southern Mississippi USM to serve as a technology incubator of next generation composite material systems I am pleased that Boeing is...who are experts in this technology Raspet has a global reputation for composites research and has served as an incubation space for multiple composite manufacturers that now have permanent Mississippi homes...

July 20, 2015
N H Rep Peter King R N Y and former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright In Congress I currently serve as co chair of the U S Helsinki Commission which oversees security human rights and conflict prevention...

September 1, 2014
Syrian armies Could Afghanistan Become the Next Iraq The consequences of half measures in Iraq should serve as a lesson for U S action in Afghanistan now All but 9 800 U S troops are expected to depart at the...

January 31, 2023
meaning at all If these agreements cannot be enforced then they do nothing to enhance U S security and serve only to undermine it This episode also highlights why we must continue to modernize our existing nuclear...

December 21, 2012
On the whole this conference report is good for our service members and our state said Wicker who serves as Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Seapower Defense manufacturing and...

January 28, 2019
to build physical barriers and secure the border through technology In 2013 all 54 Democrats then serving in the U S Senate voted for an immigration reform package which proposed 46 billion in border security...

March 1, 2023
actions of the Department of Defense on this issue are an affront to many devoted and loyal patriots serving in our armed forces The Department of Defense s actions tell our service members pregnancy is a liability...former is a mistake the latter is false Since the Roe v Wade decision in 1973 women and families have served proudly at U S military bases in countries whose laws restrict or ban abortion Until the recently...

May 4, 2010
skilled workforce to continue to play a critical role in our nation s homeland security said Wicker who serves on the Senate Armed Services Committee Navistar Defense is headquartered in Warrenville Illinois...

May 18, 2015
capable of collecting vital information for our military commanders and troops especially those serving in dangerous and volatile parts of the world The benefits of unmanned aircraft systems however go...

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