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Result 221 - 230 of 234
September 28, 2023
example we need to work together on Harpoon anti ship missiles Mr Chollet you have been nominated to serve as Under Secretary of Defense for Policy the third ranking position at the Department You will advise...

July 27, 2023
industrial base workforce to move forward with critical programs and acquisitions The FY24 NDAA also serves as a legislative vehicle for a number of non defense authorizations including several major authorization...

September 14, 2023
money you need to get you the Navy that will protect us and keep us at peace Admiral Franchetti you served as Vice Chief of Naval Operations and as commander of the Sixth Fleet These experiences make you...

June 2, 2017
said The FAA grants will help support the important role these airports play in the communities they serve The following Mississippi airports including grant recipients are receiving FAA grants Key Field Meridian...

July 12, 2023
its associated duties Your leadership is battle tested as the Chairman has already mentioned having served in several major military operations throughout your career You have also worked alongside a range...

May 16, 2024
see you looking so good I want to join all of you in expressing our gratitude to the men and women serving in our Marine Corps and our Navy In the Red Sea and elsewhere they execute missions of which there...

May 4, 2023
that naval power has been decisive in America s role as a world power and that a strong Navy would serve as a critical deterrent against Chinese aggression against Taiwan Beijing knows a great navy is a...

September 12, 2024
adversaries and expand U S credibility in the region Now Lieutenant General Nordhaus if confirmed to serve as the chief of the National Guard Bureau you will be the principal adviser to the Secretary of Defense...

July 30, 2024
would often hold the report up and wave it around at hearings His enthusiasm proved that the NDS served as a guiding light for him and it prompted all of us to consider the report s recommendations The...

December 7, 2022
Committee he could speak for our men and women in uniform because he had been one of them having served in the Army As a personal friend of Ronald Reagan he never wavered in advocating for peace through...

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