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October 12, 2018
Releases Home News Press Releases Wicker Shaheen to Celebrate U S Navy s 243rd Birthday Senators Serve as Co Chairs of the Bipartisan Senate Navy Caucus October 12 2018 WASHINGTON U S Senators Roger Wicker...

April 26, 2018
Pompeo as Secretary of State Former Army Captain Congressman and CIA Director is Well Qualified to Serve as Nation s Top Diplomat April 26 2018 WASHINGTON U S Senator Roger Wicker R Miss today voted to confirm...class and an editor of the Harvard Law Review no one can dispute Mike Pompeo s qualifications to serve as our next secretary of state said Wicker President Trump has confidence in the secretary designate...I am nevertheless pleased this nomination has been confirmed and I am confident Mike Pompeo will serve our nation well as our top diplomat On Wednesday Wicker spoke on the Senate floor in support of Pompeo...

December 4, 2014
passed the National Defense Authorization Act NDAA by a vote of 300 119 For the past 52 years NDAA has served as a blueprint for America s defense and national security interests ensuring that our troops have...

November 8, 2021
nation into World War II During that conflict 16 million young Americans answered the call of duty and served our country in arms On September 11 2001 America was once again attacked by an unprovoked enemy Like...responded to this attack by volunteering for the Armed Forces serving in what became known as the War on Terror I am proud to have family members who served in both of these wars my father in Europe and my son...military Our government must never break faith with the men and women who have sacrificed so much to serve our nation in uniform Permalink https www wicker senate gov 2021 11 wicker salutes america s veterans...

May 1, 2008
Legislation to Strengthen G I Benefits Bill Supports Stateâ s Guard and Reserve Members Who Have Served in Iraq and Afghanistan May 1 2008 WASHINGTON Saying an increase in G I benefits is needed U S Sen...Sens Lindsey Graham R S C Richard Burr R N C and John McCain R Ariz As someone who had the honor of serving with Sonny Montgomery I am glad to support this bill as a way to strengthen Montgomery G I benefits...military s recruitment and retention efforts and attract those who want to make a career out of serving their country The legislation provides Fairness to Mississippi Veterans Ensures Mississippi veterans...

November 5, 2021
ages of 18 and 25 to register for the Selective Service System I applaud the women who volunteer to serve in the military and who sacrifice every day for our country s freedom but to compel their service...military conflict against their will I have great admiration for the women who serve in our Armed Forces and every opportunity to serve should be available to women I do not however see any compelling reason...

November 15, 2016
Boyles was appointed to the position on September 1 2016 Prior to his time in this position Boyles served in Afghanistan with the 168th Engineer Brigade of the Mississippi National Guard During Hurricane...Guard More recently Boyles served in Kosovo from 2015 2016 as Chief of Staff of KFOR Forces a NATO division deployed as part of Operation Joint Guardian Boyles has been serving our country for 34 years beginning...

July 13, 2012
security interests Those claims diminish the value of the service and sacrifices made by those who serve Cochran said The men and women of our Armed Forces gain leadership experience and hone traits that...Representatives Cochran and Wicker are both military veterans Cochran served in the U S Navy and Naval Reserve while Wicker served in the U S Air Force and the Air Force Reserve Permalink https www wicker...

November 1, 2021
combating terrorism and providing security in Afghanistan Over this period nearly 31 000 Polish soldiers served while 44 lost their lives and 867 were injured Poland remained committed to the very end of the NATO...individuals from Kabul to Poland This effort involved 52 military and 15 civilian flights Hungary served alongside the U S in Afghanistan since 2003 and suffered 7 casualties During the withdrawal Hungary...

September 29, 2008
around but none of the progress would have been possible without the sacrifice of our troops who served under him In recognition of their historic efforts General Petraeus sent a letter earlier this month...month to our troops in Iraq saying You have not just secured the Iraqi people you have served them as well Indeed you have been builders and diplomats as well as guardians and warriors The general went...create a safe haven for future terrorist activity Through his efforts and those of the soldiers who served under him Iraq is now more secure General Petraeus has done a great deal for our nation and our troops...
