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May 20, 2020
Press Releases Home News Press Releases Wicker Hyde Smith Recommend Confirmation of Cory Wilson to Serve on Fifth Circuit Senate Committee Considers Nomination of Mississippian Selected by Trump for Federal...Mississippi as a fair and impartial judge and a good and decent man I am confident that Judge Wilson will serve the Fifth Circuit and our nation well as a circuit judge I can assure you that Judge Wilson has a...Association to serve on the Fifth Circuit Wilson earned an undergraduate degree from the University of Mississippi and law degree from Yale Law School where he served on the Yale Law Journal He served as a law...

July 9, 2018
issued the following statement after President Donald J Trump nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to serve as an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States President Trump has once again kept...Kavanaugh and to the Senate giving full and timely consideration of this nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh serves on the U S Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Kavanaugh received his undergraduate and...Beginning in 2001 Kavanaugh served in the George W Bush administration as an Associate Counsel to the President and later as the White House Staff Secretary He was nominated to serve on the District of Columbia...

September 13, 2017
R Miss today welcomed news that Mitch Tyner a Mississippi attorney and small business owner will serve in the Small Business Administration s Office of Advocacy The Office of Advocacy s goal is to grow the economy The Trump Administration has made an excellent choice in appointing Mitch to serve in this capacity Wicker said I am confident that he will work tirelessly on behalf of our nation s...the Administration to serve as a Senior Advisor and Director of Regional Affairs The release goes on to say that Tyner will work closely with the office s Regional Advocates who serve as the direct links...

November 9, 2017
Senate Confirmation of Randy Reeves to Lead VA Post Senators Pleased with Approval of Mississippian to Serve as Under Secretary for Memorial Affairs November 9 2017 WASHINGTON U S Senators Roger Wicker R Miss...good use serving our nation s veterans and their families It is a role for which he is well prepared Cochran said I commend him for his previous service and I am confident that Randy will serve the Department...the immediate past president of the National Association of State Directors of Veterans Affairs He served in the U S Navy and retired as a commander and surface warfare officer Prior to his Navy service...

January 3, 2017
Committees January 3 2017 WASHINGTON D C U S Senator Roger Wicker R Miss today announced he will serve on four Senate committees during the 115th Congress the Armed Services Committee the Commerce Science...reverse eight years of executive overreach and enact policies that will grow the economy Wicker has served as a senior member of the Armed Services Committee since January 2008 His position has allowed him...

December 2, 2015
often the access point for other victim services Mississippi has nine child advocacy facilities which serve 3 200 children throughout the state Thousands of children would greatly benefit from forensic services...examinations as allowable direct services costs will give CACs access to critical resources needed to serve child victims within their communities It is for this reason that we encourage you to allow forensic...

March 12, 2018
good chance of providing much needed regulatory relief to the smaller financial institutions that serve our communities I support this aggressive rollback of Dodd Frank s harmful regulations and look rein in the excesses of Wall Street Community banks are directly connected to the people they serve Given the return of high business optimism and positive economic news now is a golden opportunity...

November 7, 2016
Representatives every two years The 435 members of the House serve two year terms and are elected by district The 100 members of the Senate serve six year terms and represent their entire state The President...

August 17, 2018
responded that federal dollars wasted or spent to restore outdated technology are better utilized serving those in need and expanding broadband access Our goal is to close the digital divide to make sure...

April 19, 2016
Secretariat the Green Climate Fund the Conference of the Parties COP and the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol CMP We request that you ensure that no disbursements...linked to the United Nations According to its website they remain institutionally linked today The UN serves as Depository for the UNFCCC and its Kyoto Protocol The UN s proposed budget for the biennium statehood recognition through UN affiliated organizations treaties conventions and agreements serve only to circumvent direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians The accession of the Palestinians...
