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Russiaàs Adoption Freeze 07 15 2013 Op Eds A Conversation about Jim Bean 06 28 2013 Op Eds An Obamacare Reckoning Unpopular and Deeply Flawed 05 17 2013 Op Eds SEC Must Ride Herd on Credit Rating Agencies...Senateàs Balanced Budget Plan Miss Senator Applauds Inclusion of Proposal to Repeal Replace Obamacare 03 18 2015 Press Releases Wicker Outlines Shipbuilding Priorities 1 2 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 75 76...Energy Independence 03 27 2017 Weekly Reports Wicker Stands With Trump on Repealing and Replacing Obamacare 03 24 2017 Press Releases Wicker Praises Trumpàs Approval of Keystone XL 03 22 2017 Press...

Americaàs Job Creators Need Less Government Intrusion More Certainty 01 6 2014 Weekly Reports Wicker Obamacare Troubles Kick Off 2014 12 30 2013 Weekly Reports Wicker Champions National Security Priorities in...Mississippiàs Adoptive Families 11 25 2013 Weekly Reports Wicker Shares Mississippi Stories About Obamacare 1 2 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 86 87 Home Privacy Policy Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube Weekly Report...S Workforce 11 12 2013 Weekly Reports Wicker Demands Accountability Solutions as Problems With Obamacare Multiply 11 4 2013 Weekly Reports Wicker Calls on Budget Conference to Work as Problem Solvers 10...

House Overreach 03 16 2015 Weekly Reports Wicker Another Day in Court for Fundamentally Flawed Obamacare 03 9 2015 Weekly Reports Wicker Applauds Bipartisan Effort in Congress to Stop Human Trafficking...With Broad Support 09 12 2016 Weekly Reports Wicker More Premium Increases on the Horizon Under Obamacare State Exchanges Are Losing Insurers Leaving Consumers With Few à If Any à Choices 09 6...Have Defense Team in Place on Day One 01 9 2017 Weekly Reports Wicker The Time Has Come to Repeal Obamacare Once and For All Real Change Starts with Policies Aimed at Lowering Costs Increasing Access 01 2...

President s health care law remains flawed policy Mississippi Senator says repealing and replacing Obamacare is necessary June 28 2012 WASHINGTON D C U S Senator Roger Wicker R Miss today issued the but all the significant policy flaws remain said Wicker The Court s decision points out that Obamacare is a major tax increase The law also drives up health care costs for patients and taxpayers It is...With Broad Support 09 12 2016 Weekly Reports Wicker More Premium Increases on the Horizon Under Obamacare State Exchanges Are Losing Insurers Leaving Consumers With Few à If Any à Choices 09 6...

unnecessary red tape could result in hundreds of thousands of additional jobs Costly Regulations Obamacare Mandates Small businesses should not have to fear threats of higher taxes or stifling plan which hurt small businesses with unnecessary paperwork Ultimately the full repeal of Obamacare must be our goal I will continue to seek ways to help these businesses streamline their operations...Presidentàs Health Care Law 03 19 2012 Weekly Reports Wicker Stays Focused on Full Repeal of Obamacare 03 12 2012 Weekly Reports Wicker Obama Administration Is Holding Back Americaàs Energy Potential...

Cause for Concern 09 16 2015 Press Releases Wicker Cochran Work to Protect Small Businesses from Obamacare Mandate Senate Bill Would Allow States Flexibility in Determining Size of Employers in Small Group...Wicker Republican Congress Champions Obamacare Repeal President Should Take an Honest Look at Lawàs Failures 12 3 2015 Press Releases Wicker Votes to Repeal Obamacare Miss Senator Issues Statement on...Priorities Afghanistan 09 12 2016 Weekly Reports Wicker More Premium Increases on the Horizon Under Obamacare State Exchanges Are Losing Insurers Leaving Consumers With Few à If Any à Choices 08 3...

Obama took office the federal government has expanded at an alarming rate The failed stimulus and Obamacare are two prime examples but the Environmental Protection Agency EPA has also been at the forefront...elimination of the Independent Payment Advisory Board IPAB an all powerful board established by Obamacare tasked with making health decisions with no right of appeal In addition to health care unelected...often about pressing issues like health care I share Mississippians concerns about the failing Obamacare system and the financial burdens it has put on many families Like many of my Senate colleagues I...

Priorities Afghanistan 09 12 2016 Weekly Reports Wicker More Premium Increases on the Horizon Under Obamacare State Exchanges Are Losing Insurers Leaving Consumers With Few à If Any à Choices 09 9...Veterans Search 01 18 2016 Weekly Reports Wicker Reaffirms the Importance of Religious Freedom Another Obamacare Encroachment Set to Go Before Supreme Court 01 12 2016 Press Releases Wicker Obama Should Have Done...Senateàs Balanced Budget Plan Miss Senator Applauds Inclusion of Proposal to Repeal Replace Obamacare 03 18 2015 Press Releases Wicker Outlines Shipbuilding Priorities 03 15 2015 Press Releases Wicker...

utilize his role at a crucial moment for leadership I supported the House legislation to defund Obamacare and I continue to seek ways to protect Americans from its harmful mandates In the absence of the...Administration and a majority in Congress As many of you know the Senate fell one vote short of advancing an Obamacare repeal and replacement plan Getting this bill done is still a priority for me I hope the Senate...primary driver of the growing concern More than 13 000 pages of regulations have emerged since Obamacare was enacted in 2010 According to the Administration s own estimates as many as 80 percent of small...

backbone of the American middle class Costly Implementation Worries about the costly implementation of Obamacare are not isolated to the employer mandate Families fear soaring insurance premiums and new taxes...stifled small businesses and job creation He also addressed the latest effort to repeal and replace Obamacare saying that he would enthusiastically vote to repeal it and replace it with the Graham Cassidy opportunity to reverse some of the most harmful elements of the President s health care law Obamacare s burdensome mandates continue to drag down the economy and have negatively affected thousands of...

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