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July 30, 2019
able to access much needed resources to complete these capital intensive projects said Wicker who serves as chairman of the Senate Commerce Science and Transportation Committee and is a member of the Environment...appropriations set aside to fund a bridge replacement and rehabilitation program said Hyde Smith who serves on the Senate Appropriations Committee A report in April found that the pace of bridge repair has...

May 23, 2008
to remember our military families who have lost a loved one and those who currently have family serving overseas Let us never forget the important sacrifice they have given and continue to give every day...

May 9, 2016
awarded by the U S Department of Transportation Each of these local airports will be better equipped to serve Mississippians with important infrastructure upgrades Wicker said I am pleased that FAA is working...bill was first approved by the Senate Commerce Science and Transportation Committee of which Wicker serves as a senior member Cochran is chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee which in April approved...

July 16, 2008
information on my latest vote or needs help with an agency of the federal government my website will serve as a useful tool for Mississippians In order to provide constituents with a more interactive way of...

January 11, 2017
said He is one of the most knowledgeable members of the House on defense issues That experience will serve him and our state well in his new capacity as a member of the House Armed Services Committee Mississippi...https www wicker senate gov 2017 1 wicker congratulates rep trent kelly on receiving house armed serves committee assignment Home Privacy Policy Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube...

May 13, 2022
action to transition federal agencies back to the physical workplace to ensure they can adequately serve the public The letter follows legislation the senators filed in February that would direct federal...action to transition federal agencies back to the physical workplace to ensure they can adequately serve the public We recognize the vital services that federal workers provide to the American people and...

April 3, 2017
approved unanimously to serve on the U S Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit And yet some of the same Democrats who confirmed him a decade ago now insist he needs 60 votes to serve on the Supreme Court...

December 8, 2008
Graham of Florida The report came on the heels of the recent terror attacks in India events that served as a painful reminder of the continued threat posed by terrorism and the international need to work...though a number of positive steps have been taken to prevent a WMD attack the commission s report serves as a wake up call reminding us that even more needs to be done if we are to stay one step ahead of...

June 8, 2020
Kuwait where they were part of the campaign against ISIS in nearby Iraq and Syria Some of them also served in Jordan Oman and Qatar before returning home Heroes Now at Home The dedication these troops showed...streets of Washington Each of them volunteered to leave their families and jobs at a moment s notice to serve this country they love I am sure many of them never expected to be guarding our nation s capital but...

December 13, 2013
Senators said it was unacceptable to ask our men and women in uniform including those who are currently serving to take a disproportionate cut in retirement benefits On Wednesday the Military Coalition which represents...the budget agreement saying that it seeks to penalize current and future military members who have served our nation for over twenty years The Coalition is comprised of more than 30 military and veterans...debt To cite one example under this provision a 42 year old Sergeant First Class retiree who has served our country for two decades and most likely deployed multiple times to war would lose approximately...

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