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October 25, 2017
creators Key excerpts of Wicker s interview include Clearly our tax system is out of date and doesn t serve the purpose of economic growth or job creation We are on the verge with a good vote in the House probably...
July 11, 2008
Commission ARC has approved a 200 000 grant for Tippah County to make improvements to an access road serving an industrial area in the county U S Sens Roger Wicker and Thad Cochran said The ARC funds will be...
January 20, 2011
will soon be asked to defeat By next year 385 students will have graduated from the program ready to serve and put their training to use Mississippi s universities are also conducting research to assist process donations for a website publishing classified and sensitive documents These incidents serve as a reminder that our nation s adversaries have many weapons at their disposal including manipulation...
October 13, 2021
Confirmed for Second Term on TVA Board with Wicker Cochran Support Former Mayor of Oxford Cleared to Serve Term Until 2020 12 4 2015 Press Releases Wicker Cochran Palazzo Praise 200M Navy Contract To Begin...
November 18, 2020
to make our National Defense Authorization Act a reality again for the 60th straight year and to serve those veterans and future veterans who have done so much to make our country free Wicker said Wicker...
March 28, 2017
technical assistance and training program to assist small public wastewater treatment systems those serving not more than 10 000 people in complying with federal standards For many small and rural communities...
June 29, 2012
will have easy access to useful data from NOAA and FEMA because of the COASTAL Act said Wicker who serves on the Senate Banking Committee A scientific approach will benefit homeowners and taxpayers This...
September 18, 2008
Regional Commission ARC has approved a 225 000 grant to the City of Amory for rail line improvements to serve existing and future businesses Enhancing transportation infrastructure is a great way to attract new...
June 28, 2021
hear about their visas Many others have been wrongfully denied and others hang in limbo because they served so long ago that they no longer have Americans to vouch for them In every case time is running gravely...extend the same welcome to Afghan interpreters who at great risk to themselves and their families served our country faithfully and helped us bring justice to Al Qaeda terrorists They helped us when our...
April 19, 2016
Secretariat the Green Climate Fund the Conference of the Parties COP and the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol CMP We request that you ensure that no disbursements...linked to the United Nations According to its website they remain institutionally linked today The UN serves as Depository for the UNFCCC and its Kyoto Protocol The UN s proposed budget for the biennium statehood recognition through UN affiliated organizations treaties conventions and agreements serve only to circumvent direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians The accession of the Palestinians...
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