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Result 431 - 440 of 1001
October 5, 2011
lawmakers on Tuesday expressed their opinion that patients physicians and pharmacies would be best served if CMS would retract Change Request 7397 a policy change unveiled on May 13 that would affect Medicare...provided a reasonable rationale for this regulatory change or explained how disrupting a system that now serves patients well will be improved by adding new federal guidelines As we in Congress become more aware...

October 9, 2015
and stories associated with the Civil Rights Movement as part of its Centennial Initiative Cochran serves as chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee Permalink https www wicker senate gov 2015 10...

September 26, 2018
which is a patchwork of state laws that have the risk of imposing regulations that don t actually serve the core interest which is ensuring that customers trust the way their data is being used A uniform...

November 18, 2024
the history of Veterans Day with the rising generation and joined a parade honoring those who have served Around 146 000 veterans call Mississippi home Across our state private citizens and government officials...

August 26, 2008
grant will help fund a new patrol car in order to allow the Woodville Police Department to better serve the community The USDA Rural Development Program aims to increase economic opportunity and improve...

June 1, 2015
it works in Mississippi the E Verify system helps businesses conform to our immigration laws and serves as a disincentive for hiring illegal workers It can be just as effective on a national basis Under...

March 30, 2017
Committee hearing that it is absolutely critical that Montenegro be brought into NATO Chairman Wicker serves as a senior member of the committee and took part in the hearing The Commission on Security and Cooperation...

February 13, 2017
for firearms Having a suppressor on a firearm can protect the hearing of sportsmen just as mufflers serve as safety features on other tools to minimize noise Under this bill suppressors would be subject to...

April 5, 2016
nonprofit organization composed of the 73 Local Development Districts located within the 13 state area served by the Appalachian Regional Commission Rudy Johnson Executive Director of the Golden Triangle Planning...

January 16, 2013
he was opposed to unilateral sanctions on Iran because in his view such sanctions do not work and serve only to isolate the United States I am deeply concerned that in the span of one week Senator Hagel...

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