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August 30, 2016
authorities will have these resources to improve the efficiency of this airport Cochran said Wicker serves a senior member of the Senate Commerce Science and Transportation Committee which last spring drafted...
August 15, 2018
our state and I have no doubt that we ll carry on that tradition said Hyde Smith who has agreed to serve on the Senate Youth Program Advisory Committee The USSYP brings the highest level officials from each...
July 9, 2021
which would establish up to 10 business centers at Historically Black Colleges and Universities to serve rural and underserved communities He is also an original cosponsor of the Minority Business Development...
September 18, 2019
Mississippians These FAA resources will support safety and infrastructure improvements at airports serving Meridian Greenville Starkville and Tupelo Improving these facilities should increase their value...
February 3, 2017
been referred to the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration on which both Wicker and Cochran serve Permalink https www wicker senate gov 2017 2 miss senators introduce senate campaign e file requirement...
September 4, 2018
allow them to sustain up to 180 mph winds The reinforced infrastructure also enables the schools to serve as shelters of last resort Above all we want these buildings to keep our children safe New Advancements...
February 26, 2018
for Families Those of us who voted for the tax law are encouraged by its inclusion of policies that serve the best interests of both American workers and American families Tax cuts that allow workers to keep...
July 14, 2010
written or as she would like it to be I believe the Founding Fathers intended the Supreme Court to serve as a check and balance on Congress rather than a rubber stamp on the policies and laws passed by the...
February 1, 2024
service You are clearly carrying on a proud tradition Your grandfather served as an enlisted sailor during World War II Your father served as an enlisted Marine I speak for everyone when I say I am grateful...
July 29, 2013
percentage points higher than the national averageThere are more than 28 000 Mississippians who have served in the armed forces since 9 11 These men and women are an essential part of our communities and their...
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